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The Magic of Amazon

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just over, I’m marveling at how Amazon has changed our buying habits. It’s not just a substitute for driving to the store, but so much more. First, you can’t find many of the items on Amazon in any store,… Read More »The Magic of Amazon

Hawaii calls

(This column written for JoeSentMe, the informative travel newsletter for professional travelers) I just returned from a delightful trip to Kaui with my wife and daughter. Unlike many trips this year, this one was smooth and trouble free. We were fortunate to travel on Alaska… Read More »Hawaii calls

The idiocy of Elon Musk

Sometimes you need to believe what’s in front of your eyes. If something is so obvious, then perhaps it’s just as it seems. That’s especially true with regard to Elon Musk. If we follow all of his actions, decisions, and statements with regard to Twitter,… Read More »The idiocy of Elon Musk

Shopping for a TV

I’ve been shopping for a new large screen TV to replace a twelve year old Samsung, and it’s been quite an ordeal. Remember the book, Paradox of Choice? It’s about when there are too many choices it’s impossible to reach a decision. That’s what I… Read More »Shopping for a TV